Gary's Book Review
The Eleventh Commandment - Jeffrey Archer - ok
The Matarese Countdown - Robert Ludlum - ok
A Single Wave - Webb Chiles - good sailing autobiography
Citizen Soldiers - Stephen Ambrose - ok war history
War of the Rats - David Robbins - excellent war novel
End of War - David Robbins - ok war novel
The Matarese Countdown - Robert Ludlum - not so good mafia / CIA novel
The Boat (English)- Lothar Gunther Buchheim - excellent war novel
The Eleventh Commandment - Jeffrey Archer - ok spy novel
The Terrible Hours - Peter Maas - excellent war history
Operation Drumbeat - Michael Gannon - excellent war history - 2002
BLACKHAWK DOWN - Mark Bowden - good war novel/history - 2002
Das Boot (German)- Lothar Gunther Buchheim - next up
Favorite Movies
When Trumpets Fade - 1998 - WAR
The Lost Battalion - 2001 with Rick Shroder - WAR