Our Friends!  Big Dog!

Gary, Renato, and Nan     Andre, Nan, and Renato

Andre and Gary relaxing at     ZumSee
Ava all bundled up in the snow
Andre and Gary off piste    Ava learning to ice skate
Renato holding Ava    Dinner at the Meiers
Nan and Renato at lunch    Gary on the way to lunch
Ava in the hotel pool    Carriage Ride    Ava at dinner
Nan and Ava on the bridge
Awesome gift from the Boyz!!!    Nan and Ava at a Zurich  Bakery
Ava Chillin'

Year of the Chopper
Ski map showing Monta Rosa
Checking the rescue harness    Starting to get nervous by now!
In Flight!    Landing Zone
Brief Break    Cliff
Rescue of one skier who fell through the glacier, definitely nervous now.
Quick lunch

Monta Rosa I   
Monta Rosa II
Monta Rosa III
Monta Rosa IV


Ava playing Peek A Boo in Zurich

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